Mobilizing Neighbors for Democratic Victory

We are fighting for our families, freedoms, and futures. Join us!

What is Riverwards Votes?

Riverwards Votes! is a grassroots voter outreach effort co-founded by State Senator Nikil Saval, State Representative Joe Hohenstein, 18th Ward Democrats, and Riverwards Area Democrats. Together, our expansive coalition of Democratic elected officials, party members, organizers, and volunteers is working to mobilize voters in our community ahead of the 2024 General Election. 

Philadelphia’s Riverwards area includes the Northern Liberties, Fishtown, East Kensington, and Port Richmond neighborhoods — representing Wards 5 (in part), 18, 25, and 31. Home to one of the youngest constituencies in the city, the Riverwards is a critical voter bloc — not only in helping Philadelphia deliver a Democratic victory in Pennsylvania, but also in shaping the future of our country.

Every Vote Matters

Pennsylvania is the most important battleground state in the country, and Philadelphia’s voter turnout this year will likely decide our next president — as well as whether Democratic candidates win statewide offices.

Our votes will determine the future of worker protections, abortion care, economic equality, and our ability to counter the climate crisis — that’s why we are working to activate and expand our community’s voter turnout to meet the urgency of this moment. Together, we will defend against the threats to our democracy and human rights, and we will ensure that Pro-Labor, Pro Choice, and Pro-Democracy values continue to be represented by our elected leaders.

This November, we have a choice between two different visions for our community, our commonwealth, and our country: one focused on the future, the other focused on the past. Together we can preserve our democracy, stop MAGA Republicans, and build toward the future — but we need your help!

This only happens with you. Will you join us?

Riverwards Votes! is a neighborhood coalition, made possible with the support of our partners:

Join Riverwards Votes!